Graduating soon!

  • Beitrags-Autor:
  • Beitrag veröffentlicht:Oktober 16, 2024
  • Beitrags-Kategorie:News
  • Beitrags-Kommentare:0 Kommentare

Hi everyone!

Looks like I will be moving to Berlin next September. My current plan is to publish my three chapters and defend my dissertation by the end of July. Happy to get recommendations for jobs in Berlin (from Academic – Research and Teaching, Consulting – Geotech/Water/Hydraulic Engineer, to City and State Jobs for Urban Resilience to Climate Change) – send them my way please.

These are my three final projects/papers I am working on:

  • Method comparison and calculation of data products for environmental loads (wind, precipitation, snow, temperature) under future weather and climate conditions using climate model (CMIP6) for California
  • Development of a survey to assess climate adaptation topics in civil engineering degree programs with exploratory analysis of pilot data using Bayesian statistics
  •  Synthesis study on quantitative resilience indexes using cluster analysis (not vibing with this one though, so we shall see)

Very grateful to my committee and my advisor that they are supportive of my plans.

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